If you read my post from Friday, this playlist might make more sense to you. Everyday life can be where we learn the most, give the most and bring the most glory to God. I hope that you enjoy the playlist! I enjoyed putting it together and remembering the occasion from two and half years ago when I wrote the little blurb below : )
It’s a Tuesday night and Paul is away writing his thesis. The boys are (hopefully) in bed (haven’t heard them at least, so that’s good news : ) and I am planning on finishing a good book tonight. My day has been much like this night, very…normal. But it is during those “normal” moments, those commonplace experiences that we have the chance to see God work in a special way. I put together a playlist full of songs about those “normal” life occurrences (suffering, working, marriage, and even death) and the way that we can respond to them. My favorite song is the last one because it reminds me that one day, one glorious day, we will leave this normal world and go to live in the most extraordinary of places. Gives me goose-bumps just listening too it. So please enjoy. Maybe listen to it as you do something as mundane as cleaning dishes or folding laundry : )